Brown Bear Herbs' Herbal Smoking Blends

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Gotu Kola, super herb
Gotu Kola is an herb long used to support brain health--both emotional and cognitively speaking. This herb has been used in India, China, and Indonesia for thousands of years and in Europe since the 1880s. It has a well-earned reputation as a supporter of mental clarity, for easing depression and anxiety, increasing memory, having antiaging properties and generally reducing stress. There have been some scientific trials (on anxiety, improving memory and insomnia) that are starting to back up all the historical case studies. While it is not recommended for folx under 18, there is at least one story of someone living to the ripe old age of 200 with the help of this herb.
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Yerba Santa--breaking through barriers to heal
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Yerba Santa--breaking through barriers to heal
This is one of my favorite herbs for transformation and support. Historically, yerba santa had three primary uses: treatment of lung ailments, treatment of alcoholism/drug dependency, and energetically supporting Phoenix-like transformations...helping us rise from our ashes.
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Skullcap can help you recover from long-term stress
Skullcap is in the class of herbs known as nervines (medicines used to calm the nerves). It has been used historically to soothe long-term stress of any kind. That means many people throughout history have used it successfully to help recover from psychological stress (worry, anxiety), insomnia, physical strain (think recovery from a long-term illness or even the continuous stress of a smoking habit!), etc.
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Healing Trauma with Sexy Smokes
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Healing Trauma with Sexy Smokes
The Origin of Sexy Smokes When I first started making smoking blends, people asked me to make one with Damiana. Damiana is a popular smoking herb, historically used as an aphrodisiac. People seek out aphrodisiacs for numerous reasons. Sometimes folx just want to feel more sexual because sex is fun! Maybe they aren't feeling sexual enough because of health issues, stress or other people's opinions.
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What Happens When You Smoke Linden?
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What Happens When You Smoke Linden?
Linden is an herb to cherish. I loved researching it because everyone wrote such sweet things about it, like: "it gladdens your heart," "a hug in a mug," (tea) a "great herb for at the end of a stressful or disappointing day" and... per Robin Rose Bennett, "Linden opens the emotional and spiritual heart… linden has a divinely inspired way of opening you to the bliss of your true multidimensional nature." I think I want to merge with this herb! Historically linden has been used for health problems related to anxiety, such as insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity, etc. 
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The Magic and Mystery of Yarrow
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The Magic and Mystery of Yarrow
Astral in Body is made with Mugwort, Yarrow, Blue Vervain, and Mullein. Yarrow is a potent herb. It is excellent for the blood and strengthening your defenses against the flu. It also helps heal holes in your energetic field, which is particularly important if you enjoy using mind-altering substances, which can leave you more open to other energies coming in. If you partake, yarrow could be beneficial to include in your health maintenance routine.
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My Herbal Roots
Lately I have been getting a lot of questions about where I am getting my herbal knowledge from. At the same time my ancestors have been asking me to tell my story, which is also our story (my ancestors and me). I am happy to share my experience of herbalism:
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Take It Easy and Sexy Smokes Customer Review
Take It Easy and Sexy Smokes Customer Review
My husband is using TAKE IT EASY to quit smoking traditional cigarettes. He’s been smoking a pack a day for 40 years—but none for the past 72 hours—and he can’t believe how easy it has been. The others times he tried to quit, he was never able to last a single day.
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Travel Portland article on the Mystic District
Our little strip of stores was featured on Travel Portland, see original post here.  The article is on the “Mystic District”: "A single block in Northeast Portland that’s home to a trio of shops with magical supplies galore. Whether you’re curious about crystals, dreaming of a new divination deck, or just looking for a sweet-smelling bar of soap, the Mystic District is sure to meet your needs and spark your imagination."
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big tobacco and targeted advertising
Big Tobacco and Targeted Advertising
Big tobacco has been targeting the LGBTQ community as well as African Americans. These populations also show an greater tobacco addiction rates. Here's some info to get you motivated to quit smoking tobacco. 
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Giving up Tobacco--Margaux Muller
Giving up Tobacco--Margaux Muller
"Brown Bear smokes were exactly what I needed at the time. These smokes not only allow you to help break a dirty habit, they allow you to go further into self and connect with who you truly are. My lungs, my mind, and my heart are much clearer and happier."  -Margaux Muller
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Brown Bear Herbs Featured on Microcosm Publishing
Featured on Microcosm Publishing
We've been featured on "In an ongoing effort to tell the world about the great places that valiantly stock Microcosm’s work, this week we’re highlighting Portland’s own Brown Bear Herbs, an herbal apothecary in NE PDX..."
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Different Ways to Use Brown Bear Smoking Blends--Jake Gottfredson
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Different Ways to Use Brown Bear Smoking Blends--Jake Gottfredson
Jake Gottfredson smoked tobacco for seven years, about 15 cigarettes per day.  He primarily liked to smoke when out on a stroll or when taking a moment to himself for coffee and a smoke. Originally, he got started using tobacco because he was blending it with his m jay. Like many solitary smokers, he enjoys using the Gentle & Protective blend. Lately he has also been grooving on the roughness of the Sexy Smokes as well. Since quitting a month ago he as been smoking three to five Brown Bear cigarettes a day. He writes, "I'm better able to recognize a nicotine craving. Sometimes it's nice to have a smoke with coffee, in a ritualistic way. Now, I can do that without addiction, without tobacco." Jake particularly recommends the Sexy Smokes Brown Bear Herbs smoking blends as a mixer with m jay. He likes it to stretch his m jay supply out and also to keep from getting too high.
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Quitting Smoking--Jimi Wester
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Quitting Smoking--Jimi Wester
Jimi Wester smoked tobacco, a pack a day, for the last 22 years. This New Year's Eve, he decided to quit. It has been 36 days! Jimi has been rolling his own cigarettes from our bulk tins. He uses Take it Easy and Gentle & Protective, and now smokes a Brown Bear herbal cigarette 1-3x/day. He writes, "I had so much fear around quitting smoking tobacco. Being able to smoke something while I quit tobacco helped me to walk through the fear. I really enjoy smoking so being able to enjoy a cigarette without being tied to addiction is beautiful."
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Nate Brown--Quitting Smoking
Nate Brown--Quitting Smoking
Below is Nate's story. Take it Easy is the herbal smoking blend that is most helpful for early symptoms of tobacco withdrawal. It helps with cravings (lobelia), irritability (skullcap and catnip), lung support (mullein), and rose (for heart chakra balancing--the heart chakra is often hurt by habitual smoking). Find our herbal cigarettes here. Nate Brown is one our amazing cigarette customers. He was able to use Brown Bear Take it Easy herbal cigarettes to help ease off of tobacco smoking. He also sent some beautiful photos of cigarette crutches we use to keep the herbs out of your mouth and inspire you. They are no longer hand written so it is really special to see them appreciated through such elegant images. Here's his story: Smoking History: I was smoking 1 to 1.5 packs every day when I first tried to quit. I knew all the benefits of quitting.. but had been smoking since I was 12 years old. Ultimately I ended up quitting because of chronic bronchitis. That was the last straw for me. One winter I couldn't take it anymore.  My introduction to Brown Bear Herbal Cigarettes: My brother would always joke and nag at me about quitting (it was pretty funny, most of the time). A few Christmas' ago, almost seeming like a "ha-ha Nate.. QUIT" nag-gag, he handed me a box of Brown Bear Take it Easy herbal smokes. He told me of their organic nature, protectiveness in smoke, and the intent of the herbal blend itself. Having a long-time fascination with human psychopharmacology, organic and otherwise, I was sold. This was right around the time I'd had an appointment to have my wisdom teeth pulled. I'd learned you're not supposed to smoke after teeth extractions (dry socket and all..) so I figured I'd use the post-op time as a convenient time to kick cigarettes. Between a silly electronic cigarette (still ended up with dry socket) and the quit smoking blend, I gave up cigarettes, for the first time ever trying, for four months or so. Later on I started a school program and I started smoking cigarettes again here and there. Almost everytime I did smoke, I came down with bronchitis. Over time, I got really into the different blends and always keep a few on hand for when I want a smoke. With their help I was finally able to get off tobacco again.  My Favorite Brown Bear Blend: When it came to the Take it Easy blend, I found the herb and smoke itself to be quite pleasant and surprisingly sedative. I definitely noticed a curbed craving for cigarettes with the Take it Easy blend, almost immediately (usually wouldn't be very long until I'd crave another). I was able to go a 5 hour shift at work without thinking about sneaking out for one on my dinner break. The blend help curb the feeling of need for cigarettes without becoming something I craved just as much. Crutch Messages: I found the crutch messages creatively inspiring. It was cool, because each message seemed to find me at the right time. I also had a lot of good moments getting in the mindset to take the photos for each crutch. Can't thank you enough for finding your way into Lombard, IL and having such an impact on my life during a few very transitional years for me!  -Nate Brown Lombard, IL
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