This week we meditated on Yuǎn zhì, 遠志, Chinese snakeroot, Polygala tenuifolia.
This herb tastes a little like celery. We found it to be earthy and slightly spicy. It felt warming inthe throat and chest and hydrating.
Meditation 1
Energy: refreshing, revitalizing like "splashing water in the face", stable/grounding. The plant scanned from chest down to left foot, stayed at first chakra, which eventually started to spin.
Physical: cleared some congestion, dried out the chest
Prompts: energy to mouth, urging to get thoughts out verbally
Elements that came to mind: water, earth
Meditation 2
Energy: The plant scanned down my right leg this time (as if to say it was not imbalanced or incomplete!). Said my knees were doing good and I should be grateful (because many have trouble with them). More calming and quiet this time. Feels practical and pleasant.
Physical: Energy came to head, I got a headache--when this happens, it told me to put my energy in the first chakra to feel better. Released more congestion, having no coughing. "I was coughing beforehand and not since taking the tea."
Summary and Traditional Use
Snakeroot is used for respiratory conditions, in particular, coughs (TWH and TCM). In Traditional Western herbalism this refers to croup and violent colds (M Wood, Earthwise Herbal: New World, Polygala senega), in TCM P. tenuifolia for counterflow coughs and lung deficiency. This herb removes phlegm from the lungs and the heart orifices. Phlegm in the heart is related to mental health disturbances in TCM. This can be caused by long term spleen deficiency. This herb calms the spirit, or heart shen--this can improve anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, and emotional outburts. The mouth is related to the spleen in Chinese medicine, which is exacerbated by worry (excessive forethought is one definition) and speach is related to the heart. Expressing one's joy (emotion of the heart) supports/generates the spleen. If we are overly restrained, suppressing the heart it could damage the spleen. Yuǎn zhì is also used to improve cognitive functioning, usually in the elderly. The way that it worked for the headache reminded me of the use of tamasic herbs in Ayurvedic medicine to bring energy out of the head and to the lower energy centers to address injury to the head.
In Native medicine (Seneca, Cherokee, Iroquois, and presumably more) the root of Polygala senega was chewed and applied to rattle snake bites. I am working on a book and am exploring snake medicines and the connection with the spleen. During this plant meditation the connection between this plant, snake, spleen (practical, earthy, mouth) came up. It discussed its ability to ground and using energetic grounding techniques. While these are related more towards my exploration of grounding the kundalini, the association with managing snake bites feels very relavant. I am not finding much information on the efficacy of snakeroot for bites, but apparently settlers did not see Indigenous people dying of snake bites.
Do you have any experience with this herb? Please share in the comments below. If not, would you like to try it and get back to us? If so contact us.
Gem and Flower essences can help channel energy for your emotional, creative, and physical healing goals. Learn more in the video with herbalist Lily Michaud.
Gem and flower essences are energetic medicines that do not contain any material substances, only water imprinted with the flower or gem and a preservative. I usually use the traditional preservative which is brandy. If you would like another option please comment below, or reach out.
Shop our essence here:
This week we meditated with Anaphalis margaritacea, of the Pacific Northwest coast. We took the tea of the flowers.
Pre-Meditation, Taste, etc
This is a mild tea, it has a neutral pleasant flavor. This is a little bit of a pungent or spicy undertone that is similar to yarrow.
It felt warming, a little dry.
We felt happier than normal after have a litte of the tea. It has a cheerful, uplifting vibe.
Meditation 1
I am just listing things as people described them.
-I harvested this by the Washington coast during an artist residency. The plant spoke a lot about its medicine in that context. I struggled with the mold there, it was very moldy in the lodgings. It said to take (as medicine) next time I went. It also said that seasoned visiters just leave the doors open for ventilation. It reminded me of how the medicine we need is often close at hand.
-The flowers are like alveolis (air sacs in the lungs).
-Energy moving in through the crown, out through the mouth. Face like a moon. Strong clear energy throughout my face.
-Overall warming, slightly calming
-Cheerful, feels like springtime
-Had been feeling drained but now feeling more positive. I think I can be more centered in class/at work.
-I fell asleep and dreamed I was spinning out of control, I jolted awake.
-I had a vision of the Disney intro with Tinkerbell and the shooting star. The fairie was doing the arc. A bomb dropped on the castle and it blew up the entire thing. Disney music was still playing.
-I saw a whistling Mickey Mouse but the image kept catching on fire.
Meditation 2
-A couple people felt the taste was more bitter this time, especially on the side of the tongue.
-I saw nothing, and counldn't keep my eyes closed.
-I feel a pattern of emotional stress in my brain, pinging back and forth. I understand the underlying cause now. It is from outside myself. It is not mine. The herb lets me know I can be calm now. The kind of calm I wanted to be as a child, but, now in my home, it will be better. I will set the tone. I feel healed and like I don't have to worry about that pattern that felt outside my control. It also said my sound sensitivity I have been experiencing is not mine either. I can let it go. I can be a calm stable person and it will help those in my house. The person the symptoms are coming from will understand things are safe in my house. Then I felt my skull filled with clear white light.
-The first cup was uplifting, a little bit better mood. The second calmed me down, smoothing frayed edges. It was nice and restorative.
Summary and Traditional Use
This was a really pleasant plant meditation, we were definitely in good spirits, the energy was light!
This plant has a few other names, these are from Matthew Wood's Earthwise Herbal; A Complete Guide to New World Medicinal Plants:
Rabbit tobacco--rabbits are said to hang out near it and use it to commune with their creator
Owl's crown--this plant has a relationship with the dead, owl is messenger to the underworld--"this herb is used when the dead need to get a message to the living and cannot get through."
Sweet everlasting--its scent lasts a long time even when the life has gone out of the flowers
Physically it is primarily known as a lung remedy for flus, asthma, and sinusitis. Based on this meditation, use in mold situations is also indicated Used for congenital weakness including celiac disease and other autoimmune disorders. Excessive bleeding. Migraines.
This is considered a lucky herb. In past work with it, issues around homes came up. It says "honor both the good and bad that has gone before" in spaces. I feel that gratitude is an aspect of its luck. After meditation this time, I was feeling into the things around homes that came up again. I thought of how both the lungs (commonly used for lung issues) and brain (specific for migraine) are inside house-like bone structures. Even though the lungs breath in everything, they are also protected from object interactions in their rib cage. The brain is very protected in its skull. This also relates to spaces where it is difficult to make a connection. I feel this herb has an affiinity towards homes and home-like spaces. Things can become stagnant in enclosed spaces and this herb gets things flowing properly.
The lungs are associated with grief. So its work with the beyond--communicating and clearing relationship entanglements makes sense. Congenital problems relate to ancestral bodies...that can be another area where releasing past entanglements (for better and for worse) can alter health. I have definitely seen long term health problems resolve with a change in consciousness.
I had the feeling that it was bringing awareness and a sense of space around areas of tension. Maybe also appreciation. There seemed to be a better sense of boundaries and "self-ness" around frustrating situations. For example, if you felt suffocated, or overwhelmed by a situation, but then you realize that your lungs are safe in their home, or your brain is safe in its space, it is a different feeling. It is a feeling of being in your own space even if you are interacting with others.
How does this herb change luck? I find magical herbs can be illusive. In this case, the herb helped us have more awareness of the problems and, thereby. releasing us into a centered space. I think it has something to do with witnessing what needed to be seen, but the herb was also seemed to be doing other work to shift things. Like a ghost, the underworld, or just stuff being stuffed down, these things want to be seen, they want to come to light. So often with past life memories becoming conscious, a dis-ease can be released. I feel this herb works in a similar way, but previous meditations have taught me it is not always necessary to understand the process--it is important to honor the past or the validity of other energies at play.
I am not sure what to say about the Disney stuff--the innoncent entertainment of childhood being blown up or set on fire. It feels like something a sociopath would do, taking pleaures in hurting someone innocent. It definitly could have some ties to the underworld energies. Whatever it is, it helps for that energy to be shared or seen, because there are those that hurt children for pleasure in this world. They won't go away by ignoring them.
This is such a curious herb to me. I find it effective but mysterious. Have you worked with this plant medicine? If so please share in the comments below.
Have you tried gem or flower essences yet? Many of you enjoy our smoking blends--they help you shift your emotions. Gem and flower essences can do the same and there are so many to choose from! Check out this video to learn about ruby gem essence. It is an interesting and intense essence. Two people have reported this essence is supportive for their misophonia. Dill essence is also reputed to support that frustrated problem too!
Ziziphus jujuba, aka Jujube, or Dà Zǎo was our plant meditation subject this week. We had this as a tea. It is a food herb that can be eaten raw or prepared in the many ways fruit can be cooked or baked. Boiling brings out several times more of the beneficial properties. We consumed this as a tea from dried fruit.
Pre Meditation
Taste: "mild smoked gouda in need of salt", smokey and dank, musty, sweet aftertaste, the sweet flavor was more prominent as it cooled.
Energy: Warming and sinking, bringing the energy downwards in a comforting way.
Meditation 1
-Pleasant stable pressure at the third eye and across the forehead near the brow. I also noted/the herb pointed out that my brain was improving, as the energy of on my forehead was as balanced as it has been in a long time. There was slightly more energy on the left, but not much difference.
-I was feeling a little sick, like a cold, this tea improved the symptoms. I felt cleared out, but also like my insides were soothingly coated. So it felt like happy mucosa, at the same time as less mild post nasal drip. I mostly felt calm, which was a relief from how I had been feeling with the mild irritation from the head cold.
-On the plank of a ship. Everything was in black and white. There was a big cheese on the plank, it looked like pound cake with fuz on the top, but it was indeed cheese. There was a Nightmare before Christmas style pirate character, He looked like a skeleton, and was bouncing up and down on his toes, like a ballerina. He was over-the-top weird/freaky. During my vision I kept flashing back to falling asleep last night, this made me tired and I fell asleep. I dreamed the herb transported me into the dream.
-Calming, soothing, sedating, heavy, syrupy--like cough syrup. This felt releaving as it descended.
-Sedating, making me sleepy, mostly feeling quiet and stable.
-Slight pressure between my brows
Meditation 2
-It felt like a fog lifted, with my focus.
-Lightness in spleen area, this feeling spread out and was creating lightness in my lower left lung too. My lungs felt better.
-I had a nice deep meditation this time, it was deep and restorative. I had the same slight pressure on my third eye. I felt relaxed, peaceful, and stable.
-My sinuses cleared a bit.
-I saw the skeleton pirate again. He finished his dancing, he was tired and holding his back because it hurt him. He was thumping his peg leg everytime he walked. He started coughing and hacking. He coughed out a tooth and it landed on the deck of the ship. He picked up his tankard and downed it all in one go. It was all cough syrup. I could see it going down his body.
-My spleen felt warm.
Summary and Traditional Use
This herb is sweet and sticky and is considered contraindicated when there is dental disease. Don't eat too many or you could end up spitting out a tooth.
This herb is considered an adaptogen. Its sweet taste gives it an affinity towards the spleen and stomach, but it works through all meridians.
Jujube syrup (try this Italian recipe) is calming for asthma and coughs. Studies show that using jujube syrup (if you are scientific use the recipe in the linked study) can reduce medication induced hepatotoxicity in Tuberculosis and reduce the severity of the cough.
This herb is used to treat insomnia. It is helpful for stress and anxiety.
On another note this herb is very high in iron and vitamin C which improves utilization of the iron. It is used to treat anemia and is a supportive food during menstruation. Low iron can cause or increase insomnia.
While not a stand-alone treatment for back problems, (few herbs are used independently in Chinese medicine), it's ability to sooth and replenish the blood can be a supportive part of a larger treatment plan.
Though it didn't come up in meditation, this herb helps with constipation and is a digestive aid. Though it is sweet it can be used to help with diabetes and blood sugar managment. It can moderate or harmonize the medicinal herbs in formula (Wilms, Divine Farmer's Classic of Materia Medica).
Jujube nurtures the spleen (we all felt it!) (also, Wilms, Divine Farmer's Classic of Materia Medica). I love having my spleen nurtured.
Have you played around with Dà Zǎo? Aside from syrup and tea, it is used in many Chinese recipes for flavor, nutrition, and as a decoration. Cook something up and let us know how it goes. Have you noticed this supporting your menstruation or sleep? Please share your knowledge and/or the recipes you have tried below. I have been procrastinating the dentist, but once I am in the clear (coughing out a tooth sounds really bad, lol), I think I will play around more with this pleasing food herb. :)
This week we meditated on mullein flower, an herb of traditional Western herbalism.
Pre Meditation
I thought this herb smelled like saffron (but not strong like saffron) but the taste was more typically herby. We found it to be moistening and coating in our mouths. Some thought it tasted sweet, like licorice.
Me: It went into my head, balanced, above my nose/mouth. Bright yellow. Healthy feeling. Then it showed me green (healthy bright, light/medium range) going along my right side. Asymmetrical. It would help me with inner thigh and central muscle weakness that is caused by lower mullein leaf overexposure, (a special indication for me, not a use for most people). Getting a tickle in my throat.
Then the energy is green and yellow (pleasant colors, like the plant) all over on the right side of my body. Previous plant meditation in my father's house: “I am all on the left, then i will go to right, then center.”
Next the energy goes to my head. I check in about 7/8 chakra work I am focusing on. "How does that work?" I ask. It goes straight up and down. Up to the top of my head, and down to the ground. Like a line of energy (thin line, pale yellow, light green, white). It shows me being centered. I feel this herb part is critical for getting me back on track, after lower leaf mullein over exposure (from years of cigarette making). This is balancing for getting back to my normal energetic functioning and to do more 7/8 work instead of being slow and slightly ill.
My daughter: I was lying on my right side, curled up. It was in my belly. There was this liquid (burgundy in color), and then a tiny stream of burgundy went through my abdomen. It felt like it was going downhill. It went through my bottom arm (the red stream) it was a small stream (a centimeter or less wide). It came out my fingers, which were resting on my knee (bottom knee). It looked like melted terracotta clay. Then it went down the crease of my knee and it went down the line of my calf onto the couch. Then it went down onto the floor, and it traveled to the oxygen room across the floor. It traveled to one of the oxygen tanks and wrapped itself around one oxygen tank a lot. And then it traveled back to me, and back up between my legs. And then my ankles were crossed and it forced my ankles apart. Time passed really fast on a clock (like in a movie showing time-lapse). I opened my eyes and there were millions of little red trails all over the living room. It kind of looked like a snail trail, but red and solid. Then I actually opened my eyes, then it looked like my finger-tips were red with the stuff (like dipped in sauce). Then I closed my eyes again and all of the trail caught on fire and were blazing. Then when Granpi was talking I was imagining my tongue was on fire.
Summary and Traditional Use
I have recently been talking to Matthew Wood about the use of upper and lower mullein leaves. I believe this differentiation would extend into the flowers, or be further refined. That is confirmed by the flower indicating it would heal me of muscle weakness I am having. I see this as in alignment with a strategy I have for overexposures and some allergies, of using another part of the plant to balance out the problem. I may have learned it from Matthew, but I may have just learned it from corn, by using corn silk. At any rate that is a strategy I often find helpful when I holiday from an herb or other plant is not practical. I was going to use upper leaves to heal the imbalance, but they have been hard to find. I look forward to taking more mullein flower tea and seeing where things go!
Stomach, abdomen warmth and activation was a common theme. Mullein is known to be anti-inflammatory and is used for inflamed and/or bleeding bowels.
Cough, the tickle in my throat which became a cough reminded me of the cough I get from inhaling mullein. It is a very common reaction to inhaled plant particles (not like the smoke which is smooth). I feel the coating and moistening quality of the flower would be a good thing to experiment with if that cough arises. I usually use agrimony, which is quite helpful.
Oxygen, the vision of the red pathways seemed related to this plants ability to increase lung function, the most important aspect of which is the ability to grasp and utilize oxygen. The oxygen tank was leaking that day. Oxygen is heavier than air and supports combustion (if something is burning, it makes it burn faster).
Mullein has a reputation for integrity and for helping you hear your higher calling.
Have you worked with mullein flower? It is most commonly used in oil for earaches. I would love to hear your experiences. Please share in the comments below. Join Plant Meditation Club here.
This week we meditated on guā lǒu shī, 栝樓實, Trichosanthes cucumerina fruit, snake or king gourd.
Pre Meditation
Sweet flavor. The flavor lingers.
Meditation 1
Me: I have a strong headache come on in front on my right ear/below my temple (zygomatic arch, near TMJ). This passes. I have a lot of sensation in my crown chakra.
My daughter (with a stomach ache going into the meditation): There was a shadowy clawed hand, made of shadows inside of my body. My stomach ache was in the form of a black mass in part of my abdomen (upper left quadrant). The claws were scraping against it and the darkness was spreading. It was making the problem spread. Passing gas has begun (maybe helping with the stomach ache).
Meditation 2
Me: A headache started in the same spot, went right through my head to the other side, and wrapped upwards around and above my left eyebrow. Then it dissipated.
My daughter: The claw was coming towards the black "bulb" on my left side again. The bulb started radiating white light, and by doing so it drove off the claw.
Summary and Traditional Use
Guā lǒu shī is considered sweet and helpful for clearing phlegm heat and qi stagnation (often manifesting as pain). The whole plant can be used, but the fruit (which we used for our tea) acts primarily on the stomach, large intestine, and lung channels.
Relieving dry constipation, lung qi stagnation (manifesting as lumps or absesses in the breasts, could be sorrow), today the fruit is made into an injectable form and used for angina (often due to build up of fatty substances narrowing the blood vessel walls), used in diabetes for sugar management. This herb is also used for menstrual block and general blood stagnation (or congealed blood). It is said to cure deafness (Shén Nóng Běncǎo Jīng)--i do not know what the mechanism is for this, whether it is clearing passages in the ear that are filled with mucus, wax, or other congealed substances, or regrowth of cilia. Not to be used in large quantities by pregnant women (extracts of the plant were used as an abortifacient during "one child per family" China and continue to be used for expelling dead fetus, ectopic pregnancies, etc).
In Ayurvedic medicine, T. dioicha (leaf), is used for enlarged and edematous (damp) liver.
The ability of this herb to moisten and promote movement did seem to be experienced by my daughter. I had painful headaches arise and disappear that were positionally related to the gall bladder channel (often associated with liver issues). Helping with menstrual issues is often related to some support of the liver function. In Chinese medicine the lungs control the liver and the two organs work together to regulate flow of qi. Because of these connections and my experiences, I could see this herb being part of a formula to ease headaches in front of and above the ears, and eyebrows. Energetically I wonder about how the herb is so into stagnant and inflammed liquids (tumors, blood clots, phlegm, plaques seem to have a similar quality and are often associated with inflammation). I enjoy looking at a plant's physical characteristics and environment of preferences for clues to why they succeed medicinally and how they teach us to function better. This plant enjoys growing in marshes, home of stagnant waters. It moves the stagnate, turbid liquids up high (it is a vine)--unlike most plants, growing close to the earth, this ascends the water and transforms it. The plant takes this energy and makes the largest/'king' gourds, filled with cooling, moistening energy, with the ability to move this fluid as far as it needs to go. Movement in itself is medicine--this is a large part of the process of healing pain.
Have you worked with Guā lǒu shī fruit by itself or in formula, or other parts of the herb, or varietals? What was your experience? Our plant meditations make me curious about the emotional and/or spiritual qualities of this herb. Did you notice the plant's work on this level?
Filaree is known to be helpful for repetitive thoughts (like OCD). I discuss second arrows, a name for emotions and judgements that compound the "first arrow" of the main condition you are suffering from. Purchase here:
This week we meditated on an oat tops, scientific name Avena sativa.
The taste is "weird and musky, a little like b.o.". I found it warming, comforting, and taste is a little slippery, a touch of grass flavor.
Meditation 1
My daughter: Basically, Born to Die by Lana Del Rey was stuck in my head. There was this red baseball cap that was spinning around (in nothingness). It landed on Patrick Bateman's head while he was wearing his iconic striped suit. As soon as it got there, it pretty much disappeared. He was raising his ax up to kill someone. He brought the ax down to cut the victim in half. As he chopped through the person they became a green onion, and the ax cut the onion instead. Then the green onion started stitching itself back together with the power of the herb. It became the human again and started attacking Patrick Bateman.
Me: The herb talked about how much work I have done on my chin compared to men, who already have hair there (and are naturally subdued). This is referring to the kirtan kriya which I have been doing for years. The kirtan kriya for women is done laying on your stomach with your chin on the ground. The reasoning behind this is that men already have hair on their chins which calms their emotions. By doing the yogic practice with pressure on the chin, it helps women do this too. I first did this kriya around 20 years ago, it relieved me of intrusive PSTD symptoms from rape after 40 consecutive days of practice. This included resolving severe flashbacks, which have never returned. Because it was such a powerful kriya I decided to try and do it longer (for mastery, 500+ days) to see what would happen. I have found that it gradually eased my deeper PTSD symptoms (fear of men and intimacy due to repeated abuse) and helped me to start seeing how deeply relationships impacted men too, even though our culture encourages them to hide their emotions.
Meditation 2
My daughter: After the thing with the onion Patrick Bateman said "Screw you guys, I'm going home," à la Cartman from South Park. He jaunted off with his ax over one shoulder. Then he bumped into Reese Witherspoon (but Elle Woods in her bunny costume, not Reese of American Psycho). She pulled a Scream mask over her face and stabbed him. I feel satisfied after this herb.
Me: The herb clarifies: the significance of the above being what is it that I give to you as an emotionally mature woman, compared to what you give to me, naturally more calm, but thinking of yourself?
Summary and Traditional Use
Avena is an important tonic for the nervous system, restoring frayed, exhausted nerves from overwork or prolonged stress. It helps with insomnia from mental irritation and/or feeling discouraged. Exhaustion is a primary symptom indicating oat. It strengthens connective tissue, skin, mucosa and the nerves themselves. It is helpful for some PMS symptoms including headache with panic or nausea (M Wood, Earthwise Herbal, Old World Medicinal Plants, 2008, pp124-125).
I have heard many people loving avena, but I have not had much interaction with the plant to form my own opinion. I value other people's experiences so much.
Together they put together of avena as deeply restoring or satisfying on both a physical and emotional level. The images of the man from American Psycho being turned upon by restored and empowered women are amazing. In Chinese medicine the pulse known as scallion, or kǒu mài, can indicate (among other things) extreme loss of blood, such as by ax, and damage of yin (the feminine, receptive principle). The kirtan kriya is another helper for restroring damaged yin (to any degree). I love the resurrection power of this herb, which appears to be very strong. The image of the onion stalk stitching itself together (the plant does have very strong stalks) and rising to retaliate is a strong indication of this herb's power. When the man walks off, without a care, a herione, budding lawyer, Elle Woods (who will not be made less by other's trying to bring her down in her bunny costume, nor submit to being less femme) finishes the job. It tells a story that we do not need to feel tired anymore, we can recover from even near life-ending injury, and we are not alone. Amazing and unexpected!
What is your experience with avena sativa as an herb? Have you found it to be calming or restorative? Please share in the comments below.
Gégēn, also known as kudzu and arrowroot, is a widely available herb that has been traditionally used to help with alcohol abuse, overeating, and some of their physical impacts. It can be helpful for many conditions with deep underlying emotional reasons for the behavior. This plant has many other uses including for other health issues, as well as crafting and cooking.
Read more about Gégēn here on the plant meditation blog post.
This week we meditated with bitter root, kū shēn, 苦参, Sopharae Flavesentis, an herb of Chinese Classical Medicine.
Pre Meditation
Bitter!!!! I am guessing this herb is high in alkaloids. It tastes a little milder than Calea Zacatechichi (to give both a little perspective). It is very intense.
Meditation 1
Me: I feel activated on the left side of my brain. The question is, "If you are having trouble with this side of your brain, what happens with the other side?" The other side becomes enhanced and functions better.
My daughter: I had a vision, there were some sticks, like the kind for stirring paint. They were wrapped in wool and people were pouring gasoline on them and burning them. I was seeing a lot of smoke and flames.
Meditation 2
Me: I felt a lot of stimulation in my head/brain. It started on the left side, moved across the bridge of my nose (but also within but in the area), and continued to move. It was very stimulating and motivating.
My daughter: There was looked like a leaf. From the stem to the tip, a bunch of black, rotting decay was growing up it. Somebody lit the top of the leave on fire, the tip, and it was burning. I was upset about it. I then fell asleep.
Summary and Traditional Use
Kū shēn is commonly used topically to heal a wide variety of skin conditions. The image above shows kū shēn (top central with peas in pods to the left) with a variety of other cosmetic herbs. It usually treats damp, hot, itchy (wind), sometimes drainging sores, which includes eczema, boils, scabies, fungal infections, some sexually transmitted infections, and more skin issues that are hot, damp, and itchy. The images of fire, give a feeling for the energy that kū shēn helps pacify. Topically it is typically prepared as an infusion or used in vinegar.
The Divine Farmer's Materia Medica (Wilms, 2017, p184) lists this herb as non-toxic. One source noted this was a toxic herb and to be used externally. Other bitter herbs (such as blue vervain) are also catergorized in this way, however due to how bitter kū shēn and blue vervain are (not the only two examples) it is unlikely anyone could stomach drinking enough to have problems with toxicity. That said, use with caution. It can cool the body/clear heat through urination. Internally it is also used for jaundice, dysentary (perhaps Alyssa's experience with the stomach ache, was showing this presentation), and cystitis (cooling through urination). The Divine Farmer's Materia Medica, also indicates this herb is good for stopping lingering dripping after urination and stops tearing. It also brightens the eyes. The eyes (in Chinese medicine) and jaundice and related to the liver and wind. Wind is related to neurological functioning. So that may explain the healing that I felt in my head/brain. I am also having some dripping issues which may be related. At any rate, this herb is a strong medicine that should be used with care for conditions that do have a strong heat component. It is contraindicated when there is a cold spleen or deficient stomach.
Have you worked with ku shen before? If so please share below. If you haven't used it yet, consider trying it for your next damp, hot, oozing skin condition (lol, hopefully that will never happen, but just in case!), and let us know what happens.
Herkimer is a lovely gem essence. I like to use it for "you are great the way you are". There is a completeness in this double pointed quartz. It also promotes dream clarity and generosity.
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated on orange flower essence.
My daughter: There was some bread baking in an oven. Someone dropped some of the flower essence on the bread while it was baking. The bread started fluffing all over the place. It was expanding and foaming, all over the place, overflowing, way more than normal (like snakes on the fourth of July).
Me: I felt like there was steel triangle in front my heart (point downward). Two of the corners were "push" and "punish" and I don't know what the third one was. Maybe my heart. I had a realization that the person I am interested in, is thinking about things from his perspective. This allowed me to let go of the situation. My heart chakra started moving more freely again, and my third eye.
Meditation 2
My daughter: I didn't experience very much but my temperature was pretty elevated during the meditation. It's not really anymore. I was mostly thinking about hair. When I opened my eyes I was thinking about the song "Bottled Violence" by Minor Threat.
Me: Again I was sort of asked to think about the steel triangle in front of my heart. When I let it go, I saw the different people in my life who I could let in. I felt my heart chakra move, more happily again. I think this is a good essence to use to feel the energetic impact of releasing this stuck energy.
Summary and Traditional Use
Orange flower essence is associated with joy, renewal, and rebirth. It is for being steadfast, and uninfluenced by external forces. It is supportive to the third chakra and renewal of life force energy. It is a fresh burst of life that comes early, often budding in early Winter, and blossoming in mid Spring. I have particularly low energy these days. from past experiences with this essence I would have expected more buoyancy. But it did point out the reality in my life, which is that there are plenty of buds that might actually bloom and not to be stuck on something that wishes to remain stagnant. Because of the association with the third chakra, the color orange, early in the year energy...warmth seems like an outcome that this essence could bring. The bread experience reminded me of my favorite flower essence story. A friend of mine brings brownies to potlucks. Everyone oohs and aahs over them. When asked, she laughed, and explained they came from a box, but she adds flower essences to the mix, and everyone is happy. Try adding some orange blossom to your next bit of bakery.
Have you played around with orange blossom flower essence? It is one of the most joyful essences. Tell us your experiences in the comments or try it here:
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated on Angelica sinensis, an herb of classical Chinese medicine, commonly known as Dong quai or female ginseng. Its pinyin name is dāngguī, in simplified Chinese it is 当归, and in traditional Chinese: 當歸.
Pre Meditation
This herb has a sweet, pungent (spicy), aromatic, fragrant like incense. Smells like celery, hing (asafoetida), and watered down alcohol.
Meditator Guest: I feel like I am going to fall asleep. Some mushrooms were growing out of the ground. There was a vibrator that was brown and kind of mushroom-shaped. It was big, about 10-12". It was drilling into the earth, like a jackhammer. There was muddy dirt flying out all around where it was drilling. All of the dirt was flying out and going into the Monty Don mug and becoming some sort of thick tea. I kept not being able to breath, I have a cold already, but it the feeling of congestion was heightened.
Me: I felt a crescent moon cradling my lower abdomen. It is a very intelligent because I am about to start my moon and this herb is keeping my energy in my pelvis. This is a pause of thinking. Towards the end I felt aroused, stimulated in my pubic area. There is a highlight of energy--two parallel lines in that area--maybe the kidney meridians. Of note about the plant, the herb says 'Sex may be something you want to do without thinking. It can be a deep trusting activity, where you don’t think, you just experience.' Here is an old drawing of a crescent on the belly of a dancer that this meditation reminded me of.
Summary and Traditional Use
I was very happy to work with this herb. I have been trying to clear up the mystery between western Angelica (archangelica blog post), Dú huó (pubescens blog post), and this one! Although it was a largely quiet meditation it has a lot to share, without words. This clarified a lot for me, although there is much more nuance to enjoy discovering. You can see the me and my Monty Don mug (I kept accidentally saying Monty Dong during this discussion, lol) in the photo above. OMG. The mushroom vibrator experience and my own experience felt kind of light and sexual at the time. However part of me thinks..."if this were my experience" (the mushroom one), and in light of the other Angelica family meditations (links to the other posts at the beginning of this paragraph) I would wonder if Dang Quai is a comment of the heavy handedness of mushrooms, their impact on the spleen and their managment by gardeners (like Monty Don), not herbalists/skilled practitioners. The Earth is the element of the spleen and I could see any halucinogen that brings up stuff from within our consciousness being an abuse of the spleen. This is similar to how marijuana is an abuse of the heart chakra--causing immediate joy, but scattering the energy not cultivating or refining. I wonder this because, first off Angelica is an herb related to meditation. This meditation immediately made me aware of how very intelligent this herb is about managing the female body's energy and past ones have made me very conscious of Angelica for meditation. Meditation is a process of diligently honing consciousness. Shrooming is a short cut to having spiritual experiences. It is likely that there are consequences, although that is not my area of knowledge. I don't like the idea of any vibrator (or dildo, lol) acting like a jackhammer, and Angelica is too subtle for that kind of action herself. Furthermore it is making some sort of earth tea in the Monty Don(g) mug. For those of you who do not know, Monty Don is a famous English gardener. I got into him when I was watching Big Dreams, Small Spaces. It seemed like everyone in the show had a crush on, or at least really was *awe struck* by Monty Don (b 1955). This ranged from post menopausal (age-appropriate women) to young men. I was intrigued so i decided to give fan-girling on this guy a try. I was not disappointed, haha. I love a soothing voice, plant wisdom, and aesthetics. Sadly this was the level of merch available for at the time. Things have improved. Still Monty Don is a gardener and not a medicine man. This seems relevant in the way the herb discusses mushrooms, sex, and who is making the tea. The meta way that Angelicas discuss meditation is similar across mediations (again, see other blog posts). I could also see this particular Angelica being more put-off by the use of a false meditation breakthrough medicine being used for sex, or to tap into sexual energy, as the vision seems to suggest. I have heard of a couple long time meditators who used various "natural hallucinogens" and violently raped their long time partners, on more than one occasion. While non-addictive drugs are gaining acceptance, it should be understood that they are by no means predictable, safe, or something that opens only doorways you will feel good about afterwards. We have all heard of 'bad trips' and yet irresponsible drug use continues with little support or discussion of real life consequences. While typically associated with liberalism, a recent article I read about mushrooms indicated that repeating users are likely to trend fringe or extremist thinking and behavior which can just as easily go in the direction of QAnon and white supremacy as permaculture and off-grid living for ecology. Carreón, M., Deep State, Double Blind, Issue No, 10 I wonder if this herb is adding a layer of instruction about meditation and sexual connection in order to get to a deeper level of understanding both areas of life, which can be used to abuse, check out, or acheive profound evolutionary transformation.
In my meditation I appreciated the wisdom of the herb to keep my energy low. I typically do not meditate during my period. This meditation was the evening before mine started. I felt the herb appropriately kept my energy low. One reason to do this is to avoid more than necessary mental living at this time of my month. This improves my symptoms a lot. The kidneys are under strain during this time of the month.
This herb works with the following channels: Heart, Liver, Spleen, Kidney. This herb is used for tonifying the blood (eg anemia), premenstrual symptoms, menopausal symptoms, There is modern research supporting the use of this herb for renal (kidney) disease and microcirculation (small vasculature). Natural sexual energy is a sign of strong health and vitality. The Chinese medicine the kidneys are associated with sexual function. Excess use of sexuality is thought to deplete the kidneys (like using drugs or mushrooms to experience sex, or simply overindulging). In Western medicine, performance decline (most obviously in men) is most often related to vascular disease decreasing circulation. Indeed erectile disfunction is often the first sign of cardiac disease. This herb is most often thought of as a women's medicine, but it is used for both genders. It is used to improve sex drive. This herb is also used to lubricate the intestines. In the West it is also used to treat respiratory infections.
In general I find the Angelicas to be bringing back to the center, in a spiritual but grounded way. Dang quai means "to restore order" or "state of return". Like the western Angelica this herb is also used for nicotine withdrawal. I look forward to learning more about the use of the Angelicas.
The Angelicas are intriguing to me. Please share your experiences below. If you are interested in trying the herbs, you can find them here.
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated on Agrimony, Agrimonia eupatoria, an herb of traditional Western herbalism.
Mildly astringent. A little sweet, mild green taste.
Meditation 1
My daughter: I saw a bat was flying. He started out by our house and then flew over the church. An owl murdered him. She stuck her claws through his chest, all the way through the other side.
Me: I kept being brought to my left shoulder (former arthritis) and how easy it was to heal. The thinking was to remember how easy it was to heal that shoulder and think of my current problems like that. Then I thought of law suits. How I get into a lot of them. Often astrology will be expressed whether you want it to our not. For example, at one point I said to myself 'I am sick of the law, I never want to deal with a law suit again. I'll avoid them at all costs." Shortly after that I was dealing with three suits against me, three entire fraudulent law suits, all beyond my control to "avoid them". At that point I decided my thought was not the right one! It is better to recognize that the archetype will be at play and to engage with it in the way that works best for you. I just had a law suit conclude positively and am looking two more potential suits. I have been thinking about how I tend to let people walk all over me, and how I can change that. Maybe this strategy will feel more appropriate.
Meditation 2
My daughter: My hands are shaking.
Me: My energy is in my lung heart area for a time. I feel pain in the center of my chest. I see bright yellow (neon? it is like the flowers) come up from my abdomen to my mouth. It says yellow is for speech too (something like that!). The talk is about something I did which created a big change. I did this by using my voice. Then the energy rolls down to my abdomen. I feel movement down the center of my intestines (stomach and kidney channel area) then rolling down my left spleen channel area (to the left). It goes back and forth in those areas a few times. Not fast, just doing some energy work and switching.
Summary/Traditional Use
Our experiences (including Alyssa's) touch on many of the uses of Agrimony: pain, activating voice, ending suspension (bat relating to the hanged man in tarot), use in relation to legal matters, nervousness, chest pain, intestinal health, and work. The magical and intense nature of this herb came to me more than it ever has. I felt like it has a cutting and dark nature--maybe it was the feeling of the owl grabbing the heart of the bat. This is not a negative at all--agrimony releases people from pain and situations that seem like they have no happy ending in sight. I will go through our list:
Pain: Agrimonia is excellent for pain wherein the sufferer holds in their emotions and often their breath, puts on a happy face, and is stoic. Often those around the sufferer do not know the person has a problem. This herb helps people speak about their problems and breath through the pain. This can unwind the pain, and the social dynamics that are not being as supportive as they could be.
Activating voice: This herb has some interesting ways of freeing voice. It is useful for job interviews. I used it many times for jobs I wasn't passionate about but needed. In the job interviews they would ask me about my (not-closely related) passions and love my enthusiasm. We would barely discuss the position andmy feelings about it. Hired every time! I had a tea shop with agrimony growing around one of the seating areas. I repeatedly saw people walk into the area and share things with strangers they wouldn't normally open up about, and make good (often work related) connections. I used this herb for years (more on that in intestines) and it helped me open up and tell people how I was feeling. I once had migraines (almost every day for years) hardly anyone knew. I was definitely an agrimony type person.
Legal matters/Work: it is recommended to use agrimony on legal papers. This herb has a long reputation for working magic in law and work--any area where you feel you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It has a way of opening up paths that are beyond your reality tunnel. In terms of work, it is important to play too. I like the Zoo song Alyssa posted in the comments. It is another form of venting to just stop the work mind and let loose, entering the animal world. I also like the "Make our dreams come true" lyric. Agrimony is for unstucking us--often that happens by helping us out of our limiting views. Our limits may be unnecessarily keeping doors closed. Prowl around and find out what's on the other side.
Nerves/Intestines: This herb is helpful for emotional reactions that often involve the intestines. I used this herb for some years to resolve IBS (variable) that had a lot to do with big emotions impacting my digestion. One key is to vent. Agrimony has this tea kettle without a vent feeling. It's great for everyone else, but up to your eyeballs with pressure for the one holding it all in. It helps you vent, breath, speak...other ways to release besides letting your poop-maker take the brunt of things.
Lungs/chest pain: This herb is used for asthma and problems were the breath is stuck. This could be emotional and/or something you catch. One way to describe flower essences (agrimony is a traditional fes) is that if you treat the emotions you are experiencing while in dis-ease, then the dis-ease can resolve quite quickly. There is not as heavy of a burden to move. I have internalized this way of thinking and always look at the emotional and spiritual side of things. This can help in the moment, but it can also teach us long terms lessons and prevent illnesses from taking such a deep hold in the future.
There are other uses for agrimony. This aerial parts are typically used as a tea or tincture. The flower essence too! Got a problem you can't seem to get out of? Try agrimony. Tell us your experiences with this herb below. It is in our Humanity tea:
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated on Bái Sháo, white peony root, scientific name Paeoniae Radix, an herb of Chinese Classical Medicine.
I found this tea to have a very light flavor. I later read that some recommend steeping it for 20 minutes. I felt uplifted, that it was good I was drinking it, and it brought my energy up.
My daughter describes the flavor as like leaves on a vegetable, a vegetable where you are not supposed to eat them. It tastes a little “forbidden”.
Meditation 1
Me: Peony looks at my body, up and down from the inside. She says I had an accident and I made a life, a way of living, where my locus of grounding is my sexual body, this is to offset all the stuff I have going on upstairs. It is a center of gravity for for now (meaning where I can find balance). She seems to appreciate this.* Her presence moves up to my head. I see curling energies in my frontal lobe, coming out the front about an inch or two. The energy looks like clear flower petals curving out and up, but it also reminds me of the energy coming out of bodies in Princess Mononoke (we just saw the movie). She says there is a lot going on (in my brain) that needs support. The emotions come in from further back in my brain, and they are big. They come in and they are strong. It looks like a red line coming in from the back, right, middle area of my brain to the left frontal lobe. I feel supported by her and seen, it is hard to tell what is going on, but she can see and because of that she seems up for the job.
My daughter: I saw flowers blooming out of my va-jay-jay. They were blooming out around my inner thighs and lower belly area. They were not specific flowers, just flowers. It made me feel kind of warm in that area. The flavor stayed on my tongue for a while.
Meditation 2
Me: I feel other activity and movement on my frontal lobe: I see ladders leaning on my forehead--like scaffolding, it's something for workers to climb. There is energy moving back and forth, mostly very front/forehead. The patterns of movment are new. It feels smooth and supportive.
My daughter: I see the deer god from Princess Mononoke. In the movie when his hoof hits the land, it grows a bunch of flowers then they die. He is the god of life and death in the forest. In my vision, he was going across the pond. Every time he took a step, instead of them growing and dying, they grew, and grew more and spread around him. The feeling was peaceful and uplifting.
Summary and Traditional Use:
After meditating with this tea we (all with female bodies) felt uplifted and supported. I noticed both my daughter and I had far less tension. This was an interesting experience because I had a little knowledge of this herb ahead of time but not much. Through my study of Western herbalism I had known of the use of peony root for neurological issues (such as seizures). I did not know its primary application in Chinese medicine is female reproductive health. I was surprised when both my daughter and I had experiences related to our reproductive organs. This is one more reason why I am so in love with plant meditation as a way to learn directly from herbs.
*Since she refers to a lifestyle where the focus is the sexual center (chakra 2), I think this may be referring to my study of Chinese medicine and Daoism where the meditation focus is usually the second chakra (compare to my usual meditation of the last 28 years, which focuses on the 3rd eye). SImilarly, when I have my period and am getting stressed, if I keep my energy in my pelvis I feel grounded and comfortable. If I try to keep my energy mental, I am more likely to get irritable or frustrated. The energy dynamic that came out of this accident feels similar and grounding. Overall my recovery is great and I think most people would not notice I was different. Staying grounded is an ongoing strategy to smooth things out and feel more peaceful. The sexual center (as Peony refers to it) is not just about sex. It also has a lot to do with creative expression (making a baby is only one way to be creative, lol). I have been diving into my art. See it here.
This herb has long been used to promote smooth liver qi. Liver qi stagnation is very common in our culture. Associated feelings are frustration, anger, depression, and resentment. What I witnessed in my daughter and myself felt like liver qi harmonizing. We both have a tendency to get frustrated, and we both felt noticeably peaceful. (Ah, the beauty of peony!) The liver is important for regulating and balancing hormones. When the liver if having trouble, it causes hormonal imbalance. In Chinese medicine the liver is often considered the organ to treat when there is a neurological problem, such as a head injury. By this connection these two parts of the body are not so disparate. They can be healed in similar ways. This herb tonifies the blood, treating irregular, excessive, and delayed menses. It helps retain yin (which means it is valued during menopause when yin deficiency can cause hot flashes). Here is a brain health smoothie recipe and article that talks a little about the of peony to improve intelligence and clarity of thought. I will post a little more about Western use of this herb when I am back with my books! Check the comments.
This was such a sweet experience. Have you worked with peony root? If so please share your experiences and/or observations in the comments below. If you haven't tried plant meditation yet, I hope you try it out. Here is a video I made on what different plant meditation experiences can be like.
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with the gem essence of rhodochrosite.
Meditation 1
Me: I saw pink moving in different areas of my body as my energy shifted. Root chakra and heart in particular.
My daughter: I kind of looked at a weirdly sunny valley a couple times, and that's it. Then I fell asleep. As I started to dream I saw random men in suits pole dancing.
Meditation 2
Me: I felt some intense energy (especially around my root chakra) and themes are round love and relationship arose. Overall I felt more peace in my heart and still in my heart area.
My daughter: I fell asleep. I don't like to fall asleep like that (not when I want to) but it was peaceful.
I would like to work with this essence more. It pointed out that I had taken some other essences not too long beforehand. I plan to work with this further and will add more comments about it. I have had remarkable experiences with this gemstone in the past, so much so that it is a favorite. I would like to better understand its mechanisms. I do look forward to sleeping tonight, hopefully the peaceful vibe will continue and I will sleep well. My daughter decided her plans for the evening were off the table and she headed to bed. yay!
Traditional use:
Supports the healing of deep and significant trauma that can prevent relationships. Opens the heart. Supports gentleness. Grounding, supports simplifying, supports directing your will (3rd chakra). It can help with sleep and nightmares.
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated on Gégēn, Kudzu root, or Chinese arrowroot, scientific name Pueraria lobata, which is an herb of classical Chinese medicine. This herb is often used as a food. This herb is highly invasive in the United States, so enjoy it from healthy land (not sprayed or otherwise contaminated).
Me: dry, a pungent smell, a little sweet and moist in the end in back of mouth, after the first taste finishes,
My daughter: tastes like weird mushroom water, it has a taste that lingers in the back of my tongue, kind of sweet
Overall: Pungent with sweet, nutritious, starchy substance to it.
Meditation 1
Me: It felt like someone trying to get my attention. They want to help. They want to fix things. The things that are wrong feel far too big to fix. They are depressing. They are problems of oppression that are being acted out by the community and the law. The problems keep happening (to many people) because we all are collaborating/perpetuating the problem because many people refuse to see the problem and many who see it refuse to fight. It is so much easier to oppress victims. The helper wants to fix the problem, they have a simple solution. It is simple to them, but I am unwilling to compromise my heart to solve the problem. I don't even know if it is possible. But, I will not ever sell a piece of myself for freedom. I don't know how to do it, and I don't want to learn.
Then the energy went to my frontal lob. Like a cuddle on my frontal lobe. It felt like white light holding the front of my brain above my eyes and up to my forehead.
My daughter: I barely saw anything, but the second I closed my eyes my stomach hurt. It hurt through the entire meditation but it doesn't hurt anymore. General pain in my lower abdomen, more on the left side. It felt hot and a little vomit inducing. I had a lot of trouble focusing the entire time.
Meditation 2
Me: I see myself drawing myself. This is in a way that I draw what my body feels, not how things look. Although, sometimes what I feel comes out as how something looks. I see lines coming down from my shoulders. Pencil lines. They come down from my shoulder girdle, down my torso. I will draw later. I feel the fixer again, wanting to change things. I want things to change too, but I don't think it is possible. We might look back on the things I have faced (and many others) as similar to atrocities like slavery in America, or the near extermination of our Indigenous population (if we can even recognize this as what it is), or the Holocaust. Then again, we may not see it. I don't know what to say to the fixer. At this point the only medicine may be a great embrace. A balm of two hearts holding each other by seeing and being seen, and the holding of bodies too. Then again, sometimes change comes like a flash of lightning.
My daughter: I didn't really have an experience for like 9 minutes. Then I felt like I should be having one, and I did: There was an old Russian lady who pulled an entire turnip the size of her body out of the ground. She was actually a tiny cartoon Russian lady, so it wasn't the same as being the size of a regular body. The turnip was still huge, just not 5' 7". Maybe it was 4' 10"--it was a giant turnip and she was a small Russian. She pointed to something I couldn't see, she said, "Be gone, foul pest!" in heavily accented English. The foul pest was a baby elephant. I saw the baby elephant growing into an adult elephant (before my eyes). The growth process was really sped up. The elephant morphed into a teenage girl who was walking down the street with heavy head phones on. She was hunched over and looked really depressed. I felt like her heavy headphones represented the ears of an elephant. She was walking down the street and that was it. The turnip reminded me of a Stories Podcast story, The Ginormous Turnip, where they were trying to get a giant turnip out of the ground. They were all Russian. They were successful in the end.
Summary/Traditional Use
This plant is native to Asia and Australia, but now grows in North and South America, Africa, and Europe too. This is highly invasive in North America. It has a big root! According to the Iowa DNR "Kudzu roots are fleshy, with massive tap roots 7 inches or more in diameter, 6 feet or more in length, and weighing as much as 400 pounds. As many as thirty vines may grow from a single root crown." It is used extensively as a food (it is most common as a soup ingredient), and is considered more versatile than a turnip! It would certainly be impressive for anyone to pull this root out of the ground. Even a team of people!
All parts of the plant are used medicinally. This plant works primarily with the earth element, related to the spleen and stomach. This is no surprise considering the masses this herb creates under the surface of the land. This herb is used for treating heat in the body and vomiting (Wilms, The Divine Farmer's Materia Medica). It is also being researched for use in ulcerative colitis, the findings are positive (example study). As previously mentioned this is a valuable plant for food, and certainly abundant. Many modern scientific studies validate the traditional use of Gégēn in treating diabetes and obesity. This herb supports the fluids.
This herb was traditionally used in Chinese medicine to relieve tension in the neck and shoulders (in the drawing experience it brought down the energy from my shoulders).
This herb has long been used to expel pathogens (ex: flu) and promote eruptions (ie measles) to detoxify the body. This relates to the psychological issues the plant brought up in meditation.
The experiences we had point to its ability to unearth large problems (the elephant in the room) impacting the emotional (and physical) of the person. Alcohol abuse is an example (as is overeating) of an emotional avoidance strategy. This herb is used to treat alcoholism, both to treat cravings and hangover (sources here). In Chinese medicine the spleen is related to the grandparents. I think of the spleen as having the wisdom of ages--often carrying defense strategies from previous lifetimes to protect out body. The spleen is also persistent, worrying over problems. Spleen 21, Dàbāo, or "the great embrace", is an excellent point for bringing huge insults to the surface to be honored and released, and thereby improving health dramatically. Sometimes this happens as fast as lightning, which cracks the dark sky and brings the energy down to the earth. I started as a dreamworker and found herbs to be a quicker way to bring people to an Aha! moment. When an herb radically changes an aspect of our health we thought was fixed (as is so often the belief in Western medicine) we start to question what else in life is mutable. More about the relationship between herbalism and lucid living in my interview for Awaken, the conference, recording available here. This herb feels like a great one to affect this type of change.
As this is a highly invasive species, wildcrafting this herb (harvesting from safe spaces that have not been sprayed nor have problematic soil) to use for medicinal properties, food (find innumerable Japanese, Chinese, and Southern US recipes), or many crafts is a wonderful use of an overabundant resource. Please do not plant Gégēn in North America, it will overtake the land.
Have you cooked with, gotten crafty, meditated with, or medicinally used Gégēn? Please share! I have used arrowroot for many recipes, but after reading up on this amazing invasive species I am excited to explore more. Basketweaving anyone?
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with parsley, Petroselinum crispum or sativum, an herb of traditional Western herbalism.
Taste and pre-Meditation impressions:
My daughter and I had different takes on this herb, lol.
She says, it smells "Dank, like a weird bookstore that hasn’t been cleaned in like two years (the bookstore is by the coast, so it’s damp).
Me: It has a smell that reminds me of kidney supporting herbs: nutrient rich, a little like the bottom of a lake (this is the kidney part, but not as much as blackberry leaf or nettles), a little salty, the feeling is warm and refreshing, nourishing, and satisfying.
Meditation 1
My daughter: I started out in the same hippie bookstore by the coast as the other experience. But as I walked up to the attic, instead of LIzzo opening the door it was this kind of horror-movie-adjacent animated sketch (in black ink) of a thin woman with flowy hair. Behind her was this churning mass of inky black animated swirls. The woman pulled me in and I was falling through this abyss. When I landed I was looking down with a bird’s eye view of this teen laying in their room listening to “Where Is My Mind” by the Pixies, at full volume in headphones.
Me: It is tough for me to get into this at first. I have been working closely with indigo for days and at first all I could see inside me was blue, blue, blue, blue, blue. I do feel comfortable and more clear-headed because I am more secure/centered.
Meditation 2
My daughter: My eyes would not shut the entire time!!! (ie no visions)
Me: Still feeling saturated with blue. Nourished. Felt the gallbladder meridians on the side of my head (a little above my temples and extending back). I felt good, eventually moved to center of my forehead. I feel very nourished.
This herb is nutrient rich and has many uses. First off, for my daughter and anyone else who can't close their eyes during meditation: this is high in vitamin A, great for eye health, night blindness, protects eyes from UV damage, and prevents age-related vision issues.
Parsley has a long history of supporting the adrenals, kidneys, and urinary tract. It contains Apiol, an essential oil that reduces the likelihood of urinary tract infections, helps pass kidney stones, and supports smooth flowing of bile duct passageways.
This plant is high in iron and helps prevent or recover from anemia. Parsley is good for bones, promoting growth, and it may offer a treatment for osteoporosis. The herb is also high in copper and various other minerals, overall it has positive impacts on skin and hair.
This herb is an excellent food herb that is supportive during all phases of life for women, including pregnancy and nursing. Always work with an experienced herbalist or healthcare provider when making decisions for. yourself and especially during pregnancy and nursing. This herb is stimulating to the uterus and can promote menstruation if it is delayed or absent. Women often face a higher demand for nutrients, because of menstruation, pregnancy, and nursing. This herb is an nutrition-packed ally.
Consider parsley a useful addition to anyone's healthcare diet. "Not your garnish!"
Have you experimented with parsley or used it in your practice? Please share below :) Interested in joining the Plant Meditation Club? Subscribe here and get four mystery earth medicines sent to you each month.
Not sure if you are having an experience with plants? This video highlights different types of experiences you may have with a plant. Taste, physical changes, energy shifts, and emotions...all are relevant and important. We can learn from your interactions with plants.
Curious about Plant Meditation Club? Sign up here.
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with Bǎi Hé, 百合, Lily bulb, the bulb of Lilium brownii, an long used herb of Chinese Classical Medicine.
Pre Meditation, Flavor, etc
Mild, slightly bitter, mildly, weirdly sweet. Dry. "Reminds me of mildew."
Meditation 1:
Me: I feel pressure moving up from my mouth. I saw the white pieces, together as a point (like a bulb) in my head/face. It feels sinus related, firm pressure, not uncomfortable. This progresses slowly. Then the energy moves to my reproductive organs. I see the white, bulb-like shape there too. Then energy is there for quite a while. I ask it how it works. It asked me why I was no longer interested in just observing the plant heal me, and instead wanted to have an explanation. I said I wanted to be able to teach about the herbs. It said, "and you want people to have their own experiences." Then it explained "Imagine if you had a rain chain." The rain chain looking thing went down through the chakras to my second chakra and was made of white light. The chains were large. The plant explained it moved the cold water down. It works by the kidneys. The water needs to move down and not stagnate. When it stagnates there are problems.
My daughter: It was black. Then there was a white splash that landed on the ground. I could tell it was this weird, moldy stuff. Flies kept landing on it. The flies would walk around from where the splash was to other places, but there was always this trail of mold following after them.
Meditation 2:
Lily: I felt pressure in my left cheek for a long time. I again think sinus pressure. Then I felt pain and constriction in my lungs. It reminded me of when I used to have lung issues, like asthma and bronchitis (every Winter, all Winter). Overall my experience of all the energy presenations was slow. I thought maybe it was good for slowness in the body. At that point the energy shifted and I had a very peaceful, relaxed, and fulfilling meditation.
My daughter: There was this dad, classic 52 yo with New Balances and kids. He has some mold growing on the floor of his house. He was going to show his kids and his wife that he had a miracle solution. He had one of those spray bottle from the store, that he filled with this tea in the bottle, and sprayed it at the mold because he thought it would make it go away. The mold started spreading after he sprayed it! It spread all over the house and then the house turned into a giant mushroom. He said, "Oh, sh#@!," in slow-mo, and he looked at his house and smiled at the camera. My daughter says, I think this tea is mold, or there is something wrong with tea, like it is moldy.
Summary/Traditional Use:
The bulb of Lilium brownii has many traditional uses in Chinese medicine. It is used for clearing heat conditions, supporting yin deficiency, and reducing inflammation. It is a diurhetic, helping the water descend. It is used for a variety of respiratory conditions in humans and dogs (and perhaps other animals). Commonly used for cough (including whooping cough), asthma, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections (like sinus infections), and irritation from chronic drug therapy. This is related to Easter lily, Lilium longiflorum, and looks very similar with different colored pollen. You can watch my video about it here. I used it for my dad's COPD, and it is commonly used for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). It is considered cooling and the white color I saw with my visions did feel lightly cooling. I was feeling hot and irritable today, so the cool and slow vibes were supportive.
Bǎi Hé, 百合, has some neuro-protective properties, including for helping with Alzheimer's. This may offer some insight for Alyssa's vision of Donald Trump having the mic muted. The plant may be able to see what is going on since it can help treat the problem. I wonder if Trump's speach and thinking are so disorganized (more so than last time he ran) that the conservative cameras will not focus on him. The intent may be to protect him, but ultimately, it would share that he does not have a good image to present.
Indeed this plant is cooling and for treating yin deficiency. It is contraindicated when there is yin deficiency with dampness (like diarrhea). So adding this herb to a damp situation (like a moldy floor) would not help. It may turn the whole body into a mushroom. Dang!
Have you used Lily bulb, Bai he, or Easter lily? Please share your experiences below and specify which lily, how you used it, and your observations.
Trans is Beautiful is a gem and flower essence made to support anyone who has experienced trauma or been misidentified. I discuss the essence in general and in particular talk about calla lily and false solomon's seal, aka "special", as well as the properties of the gemstones in this blend.
I also introduce my art remedy paintings! See more here.
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with pink alstroemeria flower essence.
Information from the essence:
My daughter: "I kept seeing a plant that was dying over and over again and regrowing on top of itself. The Home Shopping Network guy says, 'If you are sick of deaths in the family, you should try this."
Me; This essence had a soft feeling to it and I felt a lot of pink energy (the color of the flower) in my whole chest/radiating with the heart. I was processing a lot of heart stuff around a relationship. I feel held back and want to speak out about my feelings. I understand the situation better after this essence. A clear message was that it takes time to heal injuries to our heart (image of a pin being stuck into my heart, like a voodoo doll) and it takes time for words to come up from someone's heart, or at least the person whose heart I would like to hear speak! I feel so much softer, and also clearer about both emotional intentions that might seem bad from a cultural perspective (but seem a-okay from a broader multi-lifetime perspective and that of consciousness) and those that feel like "let's go" without waiting a little more for the other person to breathe in their intentions (with grounded voice).
Summary from ours and other experiential sources:
There is not a lot of information on alstroemeria yet. I appreciate this flower because it came to me in a dream during the worst moments of my life. It came to me when I was being scapegoated and abused on a huge level. So much so that I was seriously considering believing I was the problem--lots of gaslighting. Because I was tempted to internalize the extreme blaming the victim narrative, I thought this essence was for something totally different that what it is for. Indeed it is for getting through the toughest of times. It is to know that through focused effort anything is possible. Though it has very strong heart medicine it is connected to the heart (through healing pain and dealing with grief, no doubt including deaths) and earth (understanding that relationships, and all of life, is often about enduring with love, loving through the hardtimes, and the beauty of getting through these hard times together. It is process, not outcomes.
Years later, I looked into this essence again and realized how much it had given me. Such strength.
Such a simple flower, but such strong medicine. It certainly deserves more research.
Do you have any insights to share?
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with Mài mén dōng, 麦门冬, Japanese hyacinth, scientific name Ophiopogon japonicus.
Mài mén dōng, areas for further investigation include: use for restoring yin, emotional validation and resurrection, therapeutic elegance, the male end of the spectrum emotional experience with this herb, use of this plant as a flower essence.
Pre Meditation:
Sweet aftertaste. My mouth feels more moist, but I feel a sense of dryness inside. I feel my left more than my right. This reminds me of another herb. A comforting taste and feeling, perhaps like a nurturing, motherly embrace.
Meditation 1:
Me: I feel elegant circulating energy in and in front of my nose up to the crown of my head (bai hui? bi way or the high way). It feels soothing in its elegance. I can let go of some drama that had been on my mind. I see faint purple lines running up to baihui, the center point at the top of my head. It looks like a flower bud/closed petals. My tooth roots came to mind, they do look similar to the tuber.
My Daughter: It was a QVC infomercial, this herb was being sold in a flask, as an essence of the herb. The sales pitch: "Well, let's take this broken down plane for example." They applied some of the herb's essence to a leaf, and then they smeared it across where there was smoke coming out of a plane. Then the plane was fine. The people on the infomercial said that it was more rare than Chanel, so "You should buy it immediately. It is really expensive and really rare, you should buy it immediately because it does the trick."
Meditation 2:
Me: I feel pleasant energy move from my mouth, to nose, forehead, and baihui. I find the energy moves to my shoulders. The movements are all elegant and symmetrical. At my shoulders the energy moves in an infinity loop from edge to edge. I sit up straighter and the energy moves smoothly to my heart level. Now the energy is pale pink and diffuse, gently illuminaing my torso. Then energy had been pale purple and felt more physical (like petals). The pink is energetic and is soft and peaceful.
My daughter: I didn't experience much, but my butthole kept getting unnaturally warm. I saw the butthole had a fire in it and it was spreading through the tuby things inside my body, it wrapped around my heart, and then went out through my mouth. The heat wasn't uncomfortable it was just warm. Now I feel peaceful and relaxed.
Summary and Traditional Use:
The above images shows the herb in flower. It has tiny flowers and it is not known for them. It matches my head experience and color.
This herb gave varied experiences. It is considered cooling, sweet, and neutral. This herb is known for use for a variety of dry conditions associated with the stomach, heart, and lung channels. Some examples: periodontal disease (supportive when dry mouth is a factor), some evidence of support for oral cancer; a dry cough, with thick mucous that is difficult to expel, or coughing up blood, and constipation due to internal dryness with emotional irritability (Bensky, Materia Medica, 1986, p 520). This herb is known to pacify the heart, decreasing feelings of restlessness. This short summary reflects some of our experiences including images and feelings of warmth and dryness (airplane and heat in the digestive tract), and images of teeth.
Generally speaking this herb moistens and supports yin. Yin is associated with the water element and emotions. Both Alyssa's experience of witnessing emotions that she doesn't normally like to dwell on and my pink heart energy experience related to emotions (in Western concept). Honoring emotions (even if the cultural demand is to be mature and productively power through) is supportive to yin. The herb is said to bring happiness with long term use, and even turn white hairs dark again. Is this the power of being able to sit with emotions til they clear? I was so intrigued by the elegant quality of the energy flows of this herb. It has grace about it, like a dancer. It reminds me of the body as an art form. I feel there is so much more to understand about this herb. I look forward to working with it more. Stay tuned for whether my white hairs change. I have had this happen before and I find joy in seeing dark roots on white hair. In the past I couldn't decide if it was divine intervention or juicing. This time I will have a better idea.