Take it Easy is wonderful if you have tension around your shoulders, neck and/or head. The herbs tend to relax that area, including dropping you out of your brain. As an alternative to tobacco, it is a great smoke for easing work frustrations, or to clear your head before bed.
Sexy Smokes herbs are excellent at bringing your energy into the sensual realm. If you have trouble being too mental or goal focused with sexy time, this blend is great for helping you enjoy the moment. I wouldn't say it is hard to get mental like Take it Easy, you just have other things to focus on. Also it is helpful for improving confidence, which makes it fun to smoke during creative or social times. I think this has a connection with anxiety and mental agitation. It is hard to be too worried when you are feeling confident!
Astral in Body might be an unexpected option for a "grounding" smoke. Socially this blend is a bit of a wild card. However as a solo smoke, when the moon is full or in a difficult sign for you, it is grounding and centering. It tends to bring your awareness to the energy around your body and bring your energy downwards. If you are looking for a slightly eccentric herb experience, while learning more about your body's energy...I would choose Astral.
In general, I find that most herbal aphrodisiacs, herbs for reproductive and lower digestive tract health are grounding. Some examples available on our website include: Lady's Thumb, ASMR tincture, & Black Cohosh.
Nervines like skullcap, in our Mother's Little Helper tea, are helpful at soothing frayed nerves.
Energetic boundary healing through herbs like yarrow (in Astral in Body herbal cigarettes and Blood and Boundaries herbal bath), St. John's Wort, and Devil's Club is another approach, if you are feeling overly sensitive to the world around you.
Many black gemstones, like black tourmaline, are also very grounding.
I encourage you to learn about different tools for grounding and see what feels best for you. I think one of the most beautiful and powerful things that we can do is share our experiences. So, as you learn, please share too.