Power of Plants, NIMH Interview

Article published at: Mar 17, 2024 Article author: Lily Michaud
Color Photograph of the Power of Plants Magazine, from England's NIMH, on a green background.
All News From Lily

Alison Morton of England's National Institute of Medical Herbalists, NIMH, interviewed me regarding the use of smoking herbs. NIMH is England's primary professional organization for clinical herbalists. I loved making this across the pond connection and learning more about this organization of herbalists. 

As I always say my herbal smoking blends are a risk-reduction method for tobacco cessation. Occasional smoking of non-addictive herbs is far better than habitual consumption of addictive, chemical filled cigarettes (produced by big tobacco). Our herbal smoking blends are made with organic and/or wildcrafted (and tested) herbs. This article appeared in their Spring 2024 edittion of their Power of Plants magazine. Learn more about England's National Institute of Medical Herbalists here.


NIMH Article: Lily Arati Michaud, Power of Plants, Smoking Herbs, England's National Institute of Medical Herbalists

NIMH Interview
