Cooling Herbs, Articles for Without Borders Magazine

Article published at: Aug 14, 2024 Article author: Lily Michaud
Color photograph of coriander and cumin.
All News From Lily

Strawberry Leaf Sunburns, Sunstroke, and Heat Exhaustion, pp 42-44

Title image with color photograph of strawberries, and title of the article, Lily MIchaud, strawberry for sunburns, sun stroke and heat exhaustion.

And my professor, Dr Savita Rajurkar's recipe for Ayurvedic Internal AC, p 74.

Dr Savita Rajurkar, Ayurvedic Interal Air Conditioning recipe, Herbalists Without Borders magazine title of article and images of cumin and coriander,

There are many other great articles in this magazine. Consider joining Herbalists Without Borders to support health and food justice through local community projects, herbal education. Or join and start your own project with this amazing non-profit's resources!
