Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with Bǎi Hé, 百合, Lily bulb, the bulb of Lilium brownii, an long used herb of Chinese Classical Medicine.

Pre Meditation, Flavor, etc
Mild, slightly bitter, mildly, weirdly sweet. Dry. "Reminds me of mildew."
Meditation 1:
Me: I feel pressure moving up from my mouth. I saw the white pieces, together as a point (like a bulb) in my head/face. It feels sinus related, firm pressure, not uncomfortable. This progresses slowly. Then the energy moves to my reproductive organs. I see the white, bulb-like shape there too. Then energy is there for quite a while. I ask it how it works. It asked me why I was no longer interested in just observing the plant heal me, and instead wanted to have an explanation. I said I wanted to be able to teach about the herbs. It said, "and you want people to have their own experiences." Then it explained "Imagine if you had a rain chain." The rain chain looking thing went down through the chakras to my second chakra and was made of white light. The chains were large. The plant explained it moved the cold water down. It works by the kidneys. The water needs to move down and not stagnate. When it stagnates there are problems.
My daughter: It was black. Then there was a white splash that landed on the ground. I could tell it was this weird, moldy stuff. Flies kept landing on it. The flies would walk around from where the splash was to other places, but there was always this trail of mold following after them.
Meditation 2:
Lily: I felt pressure in my left cheek for a long time. I again think sinus pressure. Then I felt pain and constriction in my lungs. It reminded me of when I used to have lung issues, like asthma and bronchitis (every Winter, all Winter). Overall my experience of all the energy presenations was slow. I thought maybe it was good for slowness in the body. At that point the energy shifted and I had a very peaceful, relaxed, and fulfilling meditation.
My daughter: There was this dad, classic 52 yo with New Balances and kids. He has some mold growing on the floor of his house. He was going to show his kids and his wife that he had a miracle solution. He had one of those spray bottle from the store, that he filled with this tea in the bottle, and sprayed it at the mold because he thought it would make it go away. The mold started spreading after he sprayed it! It spread all over the house and then the house turned into a giant mushroom. He said, "Oh, sh#@!," in slow-mo, and he looked at his house and smiled at the camera. My daughter says, I think this tea is mold, or there is something wrong with tea, like it is moldy.
Summary/Traditional Use:
The bulb of Lilium brownii has many traditional uses in Chinese medicine. It is used for clearing heat conditions, supporting yin deficiency, and reducing inflammation. It is a diurhetic, helping the water descend. It is used for a variety of respiratory conditions in humans and dogs (and perhaps other animals). Commonly used for cough (including whooping cough), asthma, bronchitis, upper respiratory tract infections (like sinus infections), and irritation from chronic drug therapy. This is related to Easter lily, Lilium longiflorum, and looks very similar with different colored pollen. You can watch my video about it here. I used it for my dad's COPD, and it is commonly used for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). It is considered cooling and the white color I saw with my visions did feel lightly cooling. I was feeling hot and irritable today, so the cool and slow vibes were supportive.
Bǎi Hé, 百合, has some neuro-protective properties, including for helping with Alzheimer's. This may offer some insight for Alyssa's vision of Donald Trump having the mic muted. The plant may be able to see what is going on since it can help treat the problem. I wonder if Trump's speach and thinking are so disorganized (more so than last time he ran) that the conservative cameras will not focus on him. The intent may be to protect him, but ultimately, it would share that he does not have a good image to present.
Indeed this plant is cooling and for treating yin deficiency. It is contraindicated when there is yin deficiency with dampness (like diarrhea). So adding this herb to a damp situation (like a moldy floor) would not help. It may turn the whole body into a mushroom. Dang!

Have you used Lily bulb, Bai he, or Easter lily? Please share your experiences below and specify which lily, how you used it, and your observations.