PMC: Jade Gem Essence, Reveal Date: 7/4

Article published at: Jun 28, 2024 Article author: Lily Michaud
PMC: Jade Gem Essence, Reveal Date: 7/4
All Brown Bear Herbs Herbalism & Tactics for Thriving Together Article comments count: 0
Plant Meditation Club: This week we meditated with jade, a gem essence.
jade egg
Meditation 1:
My daughter: This meditation was hard. I did see a summer scene with people on a blanket, in the grass. They are drinking lime mojitos with lavender and cherry. I hear the following poem:
"Mojitos under the sun.
When it rains it pours,
Soon the divorce will have begun."
Me (Lily): A hand offers me a light green stone (the color of aventurine, which is also a jade color). They say, "When I give you this...". I see women, this takes them deep into their hearts. So deep they cannot feel it so much when things happen with more peripheral layers of their body. I think of women in China, the wives were sex slaves too. This is a solution. A friend of mine was a concubine for lifetimes. She learned to dissociate then. There are ways to deal with this that are not positive: to dissociate or make up a love story, like Stockholm syndrome. Three ways to manage these situations more positively: this, women's kirtan kriya, and 8 (8th chakra, ascension/awareness).
This gem takes you in, in, in, so far inside your heart--in a tiny space there. This also seems related to not being able to speak. It is a silent, safer space. 
"There are two ways to get inside." This means inside a woman's body. I think they are vagina and heart, but the stone is very quiet about most things. 
Meditation 2: 
My daughter: I see 80's girls. Then I hear another rhyme:
"Lime mojitos under the summer sun,
'Run, run, run' he said,
and so I ran, and it was never the same again." 

Me: I asked what it was best for. It said in many ways it is easier to be depressed than to be 8. When you are depressed there is a really easy way out (suicide). When you are 8 you have to think about things from a broad perspective. 


Traditional Use:

Heart--dealing with shock, good for calm in the midst of a storm--perhaps being in the eye of the storm in a small space inside your heart.

Pathological normalcy--this makes sense with traditional, and perhaps contemporary Chinese culture, where there was a need to follow the leader under extreme, controlling leadership.

Love--new love, inspiring fidelity, especially love in later years. 

Protection from sexual or financial manipulation. This seems related to the feelings and dangers around wives and concubines in China, and the idea of it being "a solution".

Kidney: support (heart plus kidney: shaoyin support). 

Dreams: calms the mind and brings insightful dreams (this is associated with heart in Chinese medicine)

Relationships: improves dysfunctional relationships, supportive for people who have been bullied and belittled. 


Have you worked or meditated with jade? Please share your experiences in the comments below.


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