Video: Angelica Archangelica-Materia Medica

Article published at: Feb 21, 2021 Article author: Lily Michaud
angelica archangelica, by Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz
All Brown Bear Herbs Herbalism & Tactics for Thriving Together Article comments count: 0

This video is about western Angelica, Angelica archangelica, found in our Angelica tincture.


This herb is favorite remedy for bruise first aid. It was historically used for addiction to tobacco and alcohol (and other substances). It is supportive to the liver, stimulates digestion, and is said to moderate blood pressure.

Angelica is an herb with female affinities. It is helpful for some menstrual irregularities and has beautiful spiritual energies.

Angelica is a strong herb. Use with care and moderation. Do not use during pregancy or nursing unless under the care of a very experienced herbalist who is very familiar with you and your child.

Read about the related species, Dú Huó, 独活, Angelica Pubescens Radix, used in Chinese medicine in our Plant Meditation Club blog post, here


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