Brown Bear Herbs

    This is a Dream Herbal Tea

      Brown Bear Herbs

      This is a Dream Herbal Tea

      Sale price $ 15.95Regular price $ 0.00
      Regular price $ 15.95

      This is a blend of agrimony, mugwort, and rose. This tea is caffeine free. All herbs are organic and or sustainably wildcrafted. Mugwort is a spacey, dream herb that brings the light of the moon and space of nature into dreamtime. Agrimony helps in waking hours when you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, unable to dream a new reality. Rose helps you dream and hope from your heart. I recommend this tea for people who rarely remember their dreams and/or are feeling stagnant in waking time. Enjoy the gentle, floral flavor.

      1.5oz/bag 50+ servings of bulk tea

      More Information:

      Mugwort and the Moon


      These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

      Brown Bear Herbs

      Our company was founded on the belief that it is possible to heal and transform anything. Herbal cigarettes to help break your addiction to tobacco? Yes.

      Herbal consultations and natural medicine to help empower you on your healing journey? Yes.

      Tools and resources to connect with and fortify your community. Yes!

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