Brown Bear Herbs

    Plant Meditation Club: Weekly Plant Meditations, Four per Month

      Brown Bear Herbs

      Plant Meditation Club: Weekly Plant Meditations, Four per Month

      Sale price $ 39.00Regular price $ 0.00
      Regular price $ 39.00

      Join Brown Bear Herbs' Plant Meditation Club and learn about herbalism through the Plant Meditation Club.

      What's Included:

      Each month you will receive three herbs and an essence to meditate on, including:

      • One herb from traditional Western herbalism

      • Two herbs from Classical Chinese Herbalism (from the Divine Farmer's Materia Medica)

      • One flower or gem essence.


      Steep the tea to an enjoyable taste. Take the tea and close your eyes. Take note of the taste, texture, mouth feel. If you are meditating on an essence, simply add a few drops to a cup of water and sip, then meditate. Check in with the herb and let it know your intention. I like to express my desire to learn from the plant and how it likes to work, and also offer that the plant is welcome to learn from me too. Sit for about ten minutes with your eyes closed. Allow yourself to be aware of how your body feels. Do you feel your energy drawn to a specific area? Do you feel symptoms or improvement of symptoms of a health imbalance? What songs or memories come into your head? Pay attention to all of these. After ten minutes, take some time to document your experiences. Then have some more tea and again meditate. 

      I recommend having a daily silent meditation practice to become more familiar with who you are and how you feel internally.

      Reveal Dates are Noted on Each Herb or Essence:

      1. During the week before the reveal date, meditate with your herb or essence.

      2. Before the reveal date, look for the post with the reveal date that matches the herb/essence and use the comments to share your experience. The more you share the more you contribute to the collective knowledge! Plants/essences work on emotional and spiritual levels. We would particularly love to hear what feelings and memories surface so we can better understand each medicine's gifts.

      3. On the reveal date, the blog post will share meditation experiences with the plant, as well as traditional and contemporary uses! See what others experienced and learn more about the way the plants/essences are being used.


      This subscription is mailed and billed monthly. FREE Shipping, save when you participate in all four weeks of plant meditations. Instructions will also be mailed to you.


      Brown Bear Herbs

      Our company was founded on the belief that it is possible to heal and transform anything. Herbal cigarettes to help break your addiction to tobacco? Yes.

      Herbal consultations and natural medicine to help empower you on your healing journey? Yes.

      Tools and resources to connect with and fortify your community. Yes!

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