Brown Bear Herbs

    Guerrilla Puffs Roll Your Own

      Brown Bear Herbs

      Guerrilla Puffs Roll Your Own

      Sale price $ 11.00Regular price $ 11.00
      Regular price $ 11.00

      Roll your own cigarettes, smoke from a pipe, or drink as a tea with our loose smoking blend.

      I created the Guerrilla Puffs smoking blend to help ground people in their hearts so they can be active in the resistance and more aware of what is going on without being emotionally devastated. 

      "Ground in your heart. Use outrageous, innovative activism to take down oppressive forces. Sing out your tale & truth. Support Diversity."

      Organic &/or wildcrafted ingredients: red clover, mullein leaf and flower, calendula, lemon balm, and holy basil (tulsi)

      Guerrilla Puffs ingredientes, hierbas orgánicas y/o cosechado salvaje: hoja y flor de gordolobo, trébol rojo, bálsamo de limón, caléndula, y albahaca santa.

      One pouch contains enough dried herbs to roll approximately 20 cigarettes. 



      Here is what Annie from Baltimore wrote me about her experience with the Guerrilla Puffs:

      “My favorite way [to smoke it] is with the classics. The emotional and physical support of the herbs coupled with the startlingly intuitive message of the crutch gives balance to my emotions while also justifying the more intense ones (currently anger and sadness...I cry when I am angry and this blend soothes it all out so I can feel it without it overtaking me). ...the nervine qualities of Melissa and Tulsi do ease the sadness and anxiety I’m feeling while the clover and calendula strengthen my emotional state so that I am better able to express these complicated feelings, but also to function. We can be so overwhelmed by our emotional response that it paralyzes us. The strength from the clover and calendula helps us to keep going.”


      ***This product contains no tobacco, no thc, no cbd, nor any nicotine. 

      These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

      Brown Bear Herbs

      Our company was founded on the belief that it is possible to heal and transform anything. Herbal cigarettes to help break your addiction to tobacco? Yes.

      Herbal consultations and natural medicine to help empower you on your healing journey? Yes.

      Tools and resources to connect with and fortify your community. Yes!

      Check out these options.

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