Culpeper's Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Herbs and Their Leaves, a view from 17th century England


      Culpeper's Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Herbs and Their Leaves, a view from 17th century England

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      Culpeper's Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Herbs and Their Leaves, a view from 17th century England is a classic. This is a useful historical reference for budding and advanced herbalists. In this short work, Nicholas Culpeper catalogs herbs according to which part to use—the root, the bark, the flower, the leaf, the fruit—and which ailments each plant was used to treat in the England of his day.

      In  Culpeper's Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Herbs and Their Leaves, a view from 17th century England he focuses on the above-ground or aerial parts of useful plants. Some strange, some surprisingly verified by modern scientific research, Culpeper's herbal compendiums are not just uniquely informative, but a fun and illuminating reading experience: Ginger "takes away windiness of the womb." The brain of sparrows? Great for provoking lust. Pearls? Excellent for the heart. Excerpted from the original text, Culpeper's remarkable attention to plants and their uses remains entertaining and useful today. 

      Culpeper's Guide to the Properties, Virtues, and Uses of Herbs and Their Leaves, a view from 17th century England is a 54 page zine with a color cover and bw interior. 

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